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FDLP.gov hacked — cute but a little NSFW

FDLP.gov hacked by SoWa BeZ OkA on August 6, 2014
FDLP.gov hacked by SoWa BeZ OkA on August 6, 2014
I happened to surf over to the FDLP site today around 4:30pm and found the FDLP.gov had been hacked and taken over by SoWa BeZ OkA — which translates from Polish into “Owl without an eye.” The group seems to be a band of some kind, but I can’t tell. But it wasn’t just a cute 1-eyed ascii cat picture (or is it a raccoon?!), but a somewhat catchy (if a little NSFW) tune to rave by 🙂

UPDATE 3 minutes later: @stephestellar tells me that it’s the “smash hit” by the Swedish band Gunther and the Sunshine Girls called “Ding Dong Song” circa 2004. Thanks Internets!!

— That is all.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

1 Comment

  1. Fortunately FDLP.gov was restored the next morning and no other GPO sites appear to have been hit.

    It does demonstrate once again, that linking to a resource is not ownership and you are at the mercy and ability of the third party to maintain the resource you are linking to.

    It is this principle that makes true digital deposit so important. What if it had been an agency’s publication page that your patrons relied on that had been hacked. What if that agency’s backups were corrupted? What then? Tell your patrons they’re out of luck? Keeping local digital copies opens up better options.

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