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Economic Report of the President 2011 now available

GPO has just announced the release of the 2011 Economic Report of the President. The annual report is available online from 1996 – present via the GPO and is traditionally submitted as a House document as part of the US Serial Set (online via GPO 1985 – present. The [w:United States Congressional Serial Set] is also available historically via FDLP libraries around the country.

The Economic Report of the President, 2011 is now available from the U.S. Government Printing Office. It is issued by the Executive Office of the President and the Council of Economic Advisers and transmitted to Congress no later than ten days after the submission of the Budget of the United States Government. The Economic Report of the President is available from GPO’s Federal Digital System at:

. Documents are available in ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), with many of the tables also available for separate viewing and downloading as spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel (XLS).

The Economic Report of the President includes:

1. Current and foreseeable trends and annual numerical goals concerning topics such as employment, production, real income, and Federal budget outlays;

2. Employment objectives for significant groups of the labor force;

3. Annual numeric goals;

4. And a program for carrying out program objectives.

Also included is the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Each year, the Council of Economic Advisers submits this report on its activities during the previous calendar year in accordance with the requirements of Congress as set forth in section 10(d) of the Employment Act of 1946 as amended by the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978.

The Economic Report of the President, 2011 will be distributed to Federal depository libraries in paper format under:

* Title: Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to the Congress Feb. 2011 Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers
* Class: PR 44.9:2011
* Item Number: 0848-F-02
* Shipping List: 2011-0032-S
* CGP System Number: 582665

The Economic Report of the President, 2011 is also being shipped as House Document 112-2.

* Title: Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to the Congress Feb. 2011 Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers
* Class: Y 1.1/7:112-2
* Item Number: 0996-F
* Shipping List: 2011-0032-S
* CGP System Number: 795910

In addition, copies of the Economic Report of the President, 2010 are available for purchase from the U.S. Government Online Bookstore at: .


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