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Congress.gov: out of beta and with new enhancements

Congress.gov now out of beta!
The Library of Congress launched Congress.gov in beta two years ago. A few days ago, they removed the beta label — 3 years faster than gmail! There are many new enhancements with this update. Some of the new features include a new Resources section that provides an A-to-Z list of hundreds of links related to Congress, more Browse options, many new fields in the Advanced search and much more. URLs that include beta.Congress.gov will be redirected to Congress.gov. You can read about the update on the Law Library’s blog, In Custodia Legis.

The Library of Congress launched Congress.gov in beta two years ago.  Today, I’m happy to announce we officially removed the beta label. That’s roughly three years quicker than Gmail took to remove its beta label, but we won’t give you the option of putting it back on Congress.gov.  URLs that include beta.Congress.gov will be redirected to Congress.gov.

There are a range of new enhancements in this release.  One of the exciting additions is a new Resources section.  This section provides an A-to-Z list of hundreds of links related to Congress.  If you are not sure where something is located, try looking through this list.  I quickly jump through the list using Ctrl+F and searching.  You can find the new Resources page in the navigation on the top right or in the footer on every page.  Check it out and leave a comment below.

via Congress.gov: Removing the Beta Label and New Enhancements | In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress.

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