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Tag Archives: Congress.gov

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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

Announcing a Congress.gov Virtual Public Forum on September 10th!

Here’s a great chance to offer feedback and learn more about Congress.gov from the Law Library of Congress. Register now for the Congress.gov Virtual Public Forum scheduled for September 10, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. – noon EDT. They’ll be talking specifically about data modernization at the library, and who better to talk to LoC about data than government information librarians?! Sign up now!

This online event is scheduled for September 10, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. – noon EDT.

During the public forum, Robert will provide a recap of the enhancements made to Congress.gov over the last year. I will cover what we are currently working on and initial priorities for the future. We will also have a panel of our data partners, including from the House, Senate and Government Publishing Office that will discuss the data modernization occurring across Capitol Hill and the importance of data standards. Fred Simonton will provide an overview of a new survey for you to share your feedback for Congress.gov. There will also be a question and answer period to discuss enhancements and prioritization.

Lots of enhancements to Congress.gov

Enhancements include a new series of “Two-Minute Tips” videos, a browsable list of Popular Titles and Short Titles of legislation, and indexing of Senate Executive Communications.

For more information:

Hat tip to InfoDocket!

More updates to Congress.gov

Congress.gov Continues…, by Andrew Weber In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress (May 28, 2015).

…improvements have been made to search (results, command line and advanced), alerts, browse, and accessibility.

The Federalist Papers have remained a perennially popular item on THOMAS with nearly a million page views over the last two years. Thanks to a lot of hard work by Kelly Yuzawa, you can now read them on Congress.gov.

There are two additional items listed on our Fields Values List. One is the Member Bioguide Ids, which is a list of all Members in our system and their unique identifier, and the other is Committee Names and Codes. There are also four new items on our Browse page:

Public Laws
Bill and Law Texts Received Today
Bills Introduced by Request
Bills Introduced as Private Legislation

Speaking of Public Laws, you can now quickly access them from the text drop down menu.

Legislation Email Alerts on Congress.gov

Here’s good news from Andrew Weber, Legislative Information Systems Manager at the Law Library of Congress. Congress.gov now has alerts for Members of Congress, Legislation and Congressional Record!

Moving from a 20-year-old system to our new, modern Congress.gov platform has many advantages. One of these is that, starting today, email alerts are available on Congress.gov.  There are three different types of alerts in this initial release: Member of Congress, legislation, and the Congressional Record.  Bill and member alerts were an often-requested feature on THOMAS and I’m excited that we are now able to fulfill those requests in the new system. You can now get an email alert letting you know that a specific Member of Congress (from the current Congress) has either sponsored or cosponsored legislation.  There will be up to one email a day that links to new sponsored and cosponsored bills.

[HT to beSpacific.]

Congress.gov: out of beta and with new enhancements

Congress.gov now out of beta!
The Library of Congress launched Congress.gov in beta two years ago. A few days ago, they removed the beta label — 3 years faster than gmail! There are many new enhancements with this update. Some of the new features include a new Resources section that provides an A-to-Z list of hundreds of links related to Congress, more Browse options, many new fields in the Advanced search and much more. URLs that include beta.Congress.gov will be redirected to Congress.gov. You can read about the update on the Law Library’s blog, In Custodia Legis.

The Library of Congress launched Congress.gov in beta two years ago.  Today, I’m happy to announce we officially removed the beta label. That’s roughly three years quicker than Gmail took to remove its beta label, but we won’t give you the option of putting it back on Congress.gov.  URLs that include beta.Congress.gov will be redirected to Congress.gov.

There are a range of new enhancements in this release.  One of the exciting additions is a new Resources section.  This section provides an A-to-Z list of hundreds of links related to Congress.  If you are not sure where something is located, try looking through this list.  I quickly jump through the list using Ctrl+F and searching.  You can find the new Resources page in the navigation on the top right or in the footer on every page.  Check it out and leave a comment below.

via Congress.gov: Removing the Beta Label and New Enhancements | In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress.
