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#nlw14 FDLP Edition Day 1: Newark, Olin and Buffalo

First up in our Federal Depository Library themed celebration of National Library Week are the 2012 winners of the Government Printing Office’s Library of the Year Award. Here’s the citation from the award page:

2012 Federal Depository Libraries of the Year

For the first time, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) honored three extraordinary Federal Depository Libraries of the Year at the 2012 Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference.

One regional depository and two selective depositories received special recognition for going above and beyond to further the Federal Depository Library Program’s (FDLP) mission of ensuring the American public has free access to its Government’s information.

The three libraries chosen this year have demonstrated extraordinary levels of service to expand access to Federal Government collections and services.

GPO is proud to honor:

  • Newark Public Library (Newark, New Jersey)
  • The Olin Library at Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri)
  • The University at Buffalo Libraries (Buffalo, New York)

Acting Public Printer Davita Vance-Cooks presented the awards to the esteemed recipients, on behalf of GPO and the FDLP.


Newark Public Library
The Newark Public Library has served as the regional library for the other Federal depository libraries in the state of New Jersey for nearly 50 years. It was selected for making the best use of limited resources and continuing to provide excellent public services.

The Olin Library at Washington University
The Olin Library was selected for providing training opportunities to other depository librarians in the area and for collaborating with their regional depository to ensure the needs of the populous St. Louis metro area are served.

The University at Buffalo Libraries
The University at Buffalo Libraries was selected for maintaining several services which provide Federal depository libraries valuable assistance in processing U.S. Government publications received through the FDLP.

“I commend the Newark Public Library, the Olin Library, and the University at Buffalo Libraries for their contributions to the FDLP and outstanding commitment to serving their communities,” said Acting Public Printer Davita Vance-Cooks. “GPO thanks all of the Federal depository libraries for playing a critical role in providing and expanding public access to Government information.”

Do you have a story about one of these libraries? Share it in comments?

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