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How should spectrum be managed?

A veritable who’s-who of the legal world — or at least where legal meets the internet! — was on hand last saturday (3/8) for the Legal Futures Conference at Stanford University’s Center for Internet and Society. Actually, Saturday’s sessions were free and open to the public, while Friday’s sessions were invitation-only. FCC chair Kevin Martin spoke on Friday about networks and their management. Why we should care about the spectrum debate

Saturday’s sessions

Conference Speakers:

* Jamie Boyle / Professor of Law, Duke Law School; Co-Founder, Center for the Study of the Public Domain
* Tim Bresnahan / Landau Professor in Technology & the Economy, Stanford University
* Michael Callahan / Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Yahoo!
* Tom Campbell / Dean, U.C. Berkeley Business School
* Paul Cappuccio / General Counsel, Time Warner
* Dan Cooperman / General Counsel, Apple; former General Counsel, Oracle
* David Drummond / Senior Vice President, Google
* Lauren Gelman / Executive Director, Center for Internet and Society and Lecturer in Law, Stanford Law School
* Jamie Gorelick / Partner, WilmerHale; former U.S. Deputy Attorney General
* Jennifer Granick / Civil Liberties Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Joi Ito / Chair, Creative Commons; Founder & CEO, Neoteny
* Michael Jacobson / General Counsel, eBay
* Jeff Jonas / Distinguished Engineer and Chief Scientist, IBM Entity Analytics
* Andrew Keen / Author, Cult of the Amateur
* Daphne Keller / Senior Product Counsel, Google
* Chris Kelly / Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook
* Orin Kerr / Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School
* Alex Kozinski / Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
* Mark Lemley / Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
* Pierre Leval / Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
* Eben Moglen / Professor of Law, Columbia Law School; Founding Director, Software Freedom Law Center
* Deirdre Mulligan / Professor of Law, U.C. Berkeley Law School; Director, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic
* Charles Nesson / Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
* Beth Noveck / Professor of Law, New York Law School; Director, Institute for Information Law and Policy
* David Post / Professor of Law, Temple University Law School; Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute
* Xiao Qiang / Adjunct Professor, U.C. Berkeley School of Journalism
* Marty Roberts / General Counsel, Linden Labs
* Jay Rosen / Professor of Journalism, NYU; Founder, NewAssignment.net
* Jeffrey Rosen / Professor of Law, GWU; Legal Affairs Editor, The New Republic
* Tom Rubin / Associate General Counsel, Microsoft
* Paul Schwartz / Professor of Law, U.C. Berkeley Law School
* Gigi Sohn / President & Co-Founder, Public Knowledge
* Cass Sunstein / Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Chicago Law School
* Adam Thierer / Senior Fellow, Progress & Freedom Foundation; Director, Center for Digital Media Freedom
* Jeffrey Toobin / Senior Legal Analyst, CNN Worldwide; Staff Writer, The New Yorker
* Barbara van Schewick / Professor of Law, Stanford Law School; Co-Director, Center for Internet and Society
* Hal Varian / Chief Economist, Google
* Stephen Venuto / Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
* Eugene Volokh / Professor of Law, UCLA Law School
* Fred von Lohmann / Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Kevin Werbach / Professor of Legal Studies & Ethics, Wharton School of Business; former Counsel for New Technology Policy, Federal Communications Commission
* Tim Wu / Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
* Jonathan Zittrain / Chair, Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford University; Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School

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