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Invisible terrain of wifi networks
apropos of nothing, but check out this project which explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in urban spaces by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs. There’s more on this project here and here and check out the flickr photos. Enjoy!
Immaterials: Light painting WiFi from Timo on Vimeo.
[HT to Tom Lee, director of Sunlight Labs, aka @sbma44, for the link!]
How should spectrum be managed?
A veritable who’s-who of the legal world — or at least where legal meets the internet! — was on hand last saturday (3/8) for the Legal Futures Conference at Stanford University’s Center for Internet and Society. Actually, Saturday’s sessions were free and open to the public, while Friday’s sessions were invitation-only. FCC chair Kevin Martin spoke on Friday about networks and their management. Why we should care about the spectrum debate
Saturday’s sessions
Conference Speakers:
* Jamie Boyle / Professor of Law, Duke Law School; Co-Founder, Center for the Study of the Public Domain
* Tim Bresnahan / Landau Professor in Technology & the Economy, Stanford University
* Michael Callahan / Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Yahoo!
* Tom Campbell / Dean, U.C. Berkeley Business School
* Paul Cappuccio / General Counsel, Time Warner
* Dan Cooperman / General Counsel, Apple; former General Counsel, Oracle
* David Drummond / Senior Vice President, Google
* Lauren Gelman / Executive Director, Center for Internet and Society and Lecturer in Law, Stanford Law School
* Jamie Gorelick / Partner, WilmerHale; former U.S. Deputy Attorney General
* Jennifer Granick / Civil Liberties Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Joi Ito / Chair, Creative Commons; Founder & CEO, Neoteny
* Michael Jacobson / General Counsel, eBay
* Jeff Jonas / Distinguished Engineer and Chief Scientist, IBM Entity Analytics
* Andrew Keen / Author, Cult of the Amateur
* Daphne Keller / Senior Product Counsel, Google
* Chris Kelly / Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook
* Orin Kerr / Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School
* Alex Kozinski / Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
* Mark Lemley / Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
* Pierre Leval / Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
* Eben Moglen / Professor of Law, Columbia Law School; Founding Director, Software Freedom Law Center
* Deirdre Mulligan / Professor of Law, U.C. Berkeley Law School; Director, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic
* Charles Nesson / Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
* Beth Noveck / Professor of Law, New York Law School; Director, Institute for Information Law and Policy
* David Post / Professor of Law, Temple University Law School; Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute
* Xiao Qiang / Adjunct Professor, U.C. Berkeley School of Journalism
* Marty Roberts / General Counsel, Linden Labs
* Jay Rosen / Professor of Journalism, NYU; Founder, NewAssignment.net
* Jeffrey Rosen / Professor of Law, GWU; Legal Affairs Editor, The New Republic
* Tom Rubin / Associate General Counsel, Microsoft
* Paul Schwartz / Professor of Law, U.C. Berkeley Law School
* Gigi Sohn / President & Co-Founder, Public Knowledge
* Cass Sunstein / Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Chicago Law School
* Adam Thierer / Senior Fellow, Progress & Freedom Foundation; Director, Center for Digital Media Freedom
* Jeffrey Toobin / Senior Legal Analyst, CNN Worldwide; Staff Writer, The New Yorker
* Barbara van Schewick / Professor of Law, Stanford Law School; Co-Director, Center for Internet and Society
* Hal Varian / Chief Economist, Google
* Stephen Venuto / Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
* Eugene Volokh / Professor of Law, UCLA Law School
* Fred von Lohmann / Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Kevin Werbach / Professor of Legal Studies & Ethics, Wharton School of Business; former Counsel for New Technology Policy, Federal Communications Commission
* Tim Wu / Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
* Jonathan Zittrain / Chair, Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford University; Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School
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