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New Remix: Federal Register Searches by RSS

Thanks a bundle to Steven M. Cohen who Twittered about this new item we’ve added to our remixes page:

Justia Regulation Tracker – This free service takes Federal Register data and provides the ability to create RSS feeds of search results. The search gives you more options than the GPO Advanced Federal Register Search because the Justia search gives you agency dropdown choices and the regulations abstracts appear on the results pages. Justia is led by former CEO and FindLaw co-founder Tim Stanley. They make their money from advanced web services to lawyers, but provide free basic legal info to the public.

More information on Justia and this new service can be found at http://blog.librarylaw.com/librarylaw/2007/04/feeding_the_rea.html.

This is a perfect example of a service that couldn’t be started if GPO implemented a two-tiered model of information access – Free but restricted access at Depository Libraries and fee access for vendors wishing to reuse government information.

But how will GPO be able to sell government information if people who obtain this public domain information republish for free with better searching and alert tools than GPO? We don’t think they can without restricting the no-fee information model in some way. So we at FGI think they shouldn’t try.

Finally, if this serendipity by Twitter intrigued you, drop by and friend me at http://www.twitter.com/dcornwall

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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