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University of Washington Gov Pubs Finds
It is hard to keep up with everything even just in the world of government information. FGI provides a list of recommendations in its “blogroll” (look in the right column just below the list of recent comments). These are people, and blogs, and organizations that we find useful if you want to keep up with government information issues.
Today we add a link to the RSS feed for the University of Washington Gov Pubs Finds tumblr. I have been following it every day for some time and find it just wonderful. It provides a wonderful mix of interesting finds, historic documents, and just plain inspiration. It started with an examination of discarded federal documents. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Enjoy!
The description of the U.WA. tumblr:
This site originates from a final project for a Government Publications course taught at the University of Washington in the Fall of 2013. The students, both in the MLIS program, were given access to over 2,000 boxes containing discarded federal documents donated to the UW by the Seattle Public Library. In browsing through the boxes during the quarter, items were found that fit a theme of government research, policies, and programs investigating youth and family advocacy, health, and safety.
After the conclusion of the course this site will continue to be updated with items from the above-mentioned SPL gift collection, as well as other areas within the government publications holdings of the UW Libraries, that speak to the history of Seattle, the Pacific Northwest, and of the unique and oftentimes overlooked qualities of government information.
Interesting, illustrative, informative, bizarre… polar bears in the Federal Register
The Government Printing Office in a press release today announced a success story in the use of the Application Programming Interface (API) for Federal Register. It is certainly interesting and illustrative of how an API can be used to deliver information to a particular community of interest, but I think you may also find it unexpectedly unusual. A researcher used the FR API to create a tracking system for polar bear protection documents.
WASHINGTON-The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and the National Archives’ Office of the Federal Register (OFR) report a success story from the Application Programming Interface (API) for FederalRegister.gov. GPO and OFR introduced the API in August 2011, enabling information technology developers to create new applications for regulatory information published in the Federal Register. A researcher utilized the API to create a tracking system for polar bear protection documents. The API tool automatically grabs Federal Register items that mention polar bears from 1994 to present, displays the items in a formatted list with browsing capabilities, and links back to the full text on FederalRegister.gov.
Link to Polar Bear Feed: http://polarbearfeed.etiennebenson.com/
“This is another example of how GPO and OFR continue to find ways in achieving the goal of making Government information more transparent and giving users the ability to adapt Federal Register data to their own needs,” said Public Printer Bill Boarman.
“We are thrilled to see the use of the API source material to develop a live feed on the subject of polar bears. This is precisely how we hoped this information would be used when we made it available to the public. We couldn’t be more gratified,” said Director of the Federal Register Ray Mosley.
The print and online versions of the Federal Register are the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other Presidential documents.
RSS feed of Foreign Relations of the United States
The State Department has an RSS (ATOM) feed that lists new releases of the important series Foreign Relations of the United States: history.state.gov/open/frus-latest.xml.
The Office of the Historian is responsible, under law, for the preparation and publication of the official historical documentary record of U.S. foreign policy in the Foreign Relations of the United States series. This dataset is a feed for the latest ten volumes in the Foreign Relations of the United States series. Each record in the dataset contains a volume’s title, year of publication, summary, and link to the online volumes. The feed will be updated when current volumes are edited or new volumes are published.
I had never noticed that statement (above) that current volumes might be edited after release. Does that mean that material might be deleted or changed? Or does “editing” only mean adding new content?
FTC will webcast its workshop on Journalism and use Twitter and RSS
Libraries, Journalism, and Publishing share some common issues and face many common challenges in the digital age. It seems particularly appropriate that, as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) holds a workshop on the future of journalism, it is using digital tools to reach more people.
The FTC will hold workshops in Washington, DC on December 1 and 2, 2009, to explore how the Internet has affected journalism. The event is free and open to the public. The workshop will assemble representatives from print, online, broadcast and cable news organizations, academics, consumer advocates, bloggers, and other new media representatives.
You can submit questions using the Twitter tag #ftcnews.
Comments can be filed online at https://public.commentworks.com/ftc/newsmediaworkshop. See submitted comments here.
A live webcast will be available on the day of the event. Bookmark this page and come back on December 1st and 2nd to link to the webcast.
Updates regarding workshops, including an agenda and panelists will be posted on this webpage, or can be accessed via RSS Feed.
POTUS tracker
The Washington Post has an RSS feed called, The POTUS Tracker. It lists events location and events for the President of the United States.
There is also a more traditional Calendar view of the President’s activities and you can view events by issue, type, and attendees.
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