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Tag Archives: federal reserve
Download FRED Data Directly in Excel
I’ve always had a thing for FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data). And now they’re providing a free excel add-in for 290,000 data series from various sources (e.g., BEA, BLS, Census, and OECD). Thanks St Louis Fed!
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) Add-In is free software that will significantly reduce the amount of time spent collecting and organizing macroeconomic data. The FRED add-in provides free access to over 290,000 data series from various sources (e.g., BEA, BLS, Census, and OECD) directly through Microsoft Excel.
Key Features:
- One-click instant download of economic time series.
- Browse the most popular data and search the FRED database.
- Quick and easy data frequency conversion and growth rate calculations.
- Instantly refresh and update spreadsheets with newly released data.
- Create graphs with NBER recession shading and an auto update feature.
via Economic Data Add-In for Microsoft Excel – St. Louis Fed – Download FRED Data Directly in Excel.
Conference heads up: “Beyond the Numbers: Economics and Data for Information Professionals”
This looks to be a highly interesting conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis this September 29-30, 2014 for anyone interested in historic economic data. Keynote speakers include Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google, and Neil Fantom, World Bank manager who leads their Open Data Initiative.
St Louis Fed is doing such great work in providing access to historic economic data so this is a great opportunity to discuss, learn, plan, and strategize for how libraries and the Fed can work collaboratively in this arena. Hope to see lots of our readers in St Louis!
MONDAY AND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29-30, 2014The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is hosting a free conference to address the challenges of economic information. We are bringing together experts to share their experiences at the frontier of economic data and information, discuss problems and potential solutions, and identify ways to improve access to and understanding of economic information.Our aim is to provide librarians and other information professionals with the knowledge, competence, and enthusiasm to disseminate economic information expertise to their respective audiences.
via Beyond the Numbers Economics and Data for Information Professionals.
FRASER adds new Marriner S. Eccles Document collection on economic history and the Fed
The St Louis Fed’s FRASER (Federal Reserve Archive) has just announced the addition of the new Marriner S. Eccles Document collection. It looks to be especially relevant to economic historians and those interested in economics and the [[Great_Depression|Great Depression]].
FRASER, a digital library dedicated to preserving the nation’s economic history, recently added the Marriner S. Eccles Document Collection. The new collection provides access to nearly 10,000 documents from the archival collection housed by the University of Utah. Eccles served as Chairman (1934-48) and member (1948-51) of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The collection provides research material about the Federal Reserve System, particularly during the 1930s and 1940s, as well as Eccles’s role in the monetary and fiscal systems of the United States during those years.
The documents can be browsed and searched by box, date, author, or keyword (the keyword field searches title, author, and description). Full-text searching is also available through a site-level advanced search, which can be narrowed to only items in the Eccles collection.
Other archival collections that have been made digitally available on FRASER include Papers from the Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve System (held by the Brookings Institution) and the William McChesney Martin Jr. Document Collection (held by the Missouri Historical Society).
FRASER has more than 640 publication titles, dated from 1789 to the present, that can be browsed by title, author, date, or topic. Full-text searching is also available.
Federal Reserve releases secret loan documents
Bloomberg has obtained previously secret loan documents from the Federal Reserve Bank and has made those documents available for download (see zip file link below).
- Fed Will Release Bank Loan Data as Top Court Rejects Appeal, By Greg Stohr and Bob Ivry, Bloomberg (Mar 21, 2011).
The order marks the first time a court has forced the Fed to reveal the names of banks that borrowed from its oldest lending program, the 98-year-old discount window. The disclosures, together with details of six bailout programs released by the central bank in December under a congressional mandate, would give taxpayers insight into the Fed’s unprecedented $3.5 trillion effort to stem the 2008 financial panic.
- Fed Releases Discount-Window Loan Records During Crisis Under Court Order, By Craig Torres, Bloomberg (Mar 31, 2011).
The Federal Reserve released thousands of pages of secret loan documents under court order, almost three years after Bloomberg LP first requested details of the central bank’s unprecedented support to banks during the financial crisis.
- Foreign Banks Tapped Fed’s Secret Lifeline Most at Crisis Peak, By Bradley Keoun and Craig Torres, Bloomberg (Apr 1, 2011).
Bloomberg News is posting the Fed documents here for subscribers to the Bloomberg Professional Service as well as online at www.bloomberg.com.
- zip file [135 MB, unzips to 175 MB and 894 PDF files].
Stories based on the document release are beginning to appear in the press. Here is one from the Sunday New York Times:
- The Bank Run We Knew So Little About, By GRETCHEN MORGENSON, New York Times (April 2, 2011)
Fed posts data on the financial crisis
The Federal Reserve released documents that identify the recipients of $3.3 trillion in emergency aid provided at the height of the financial crisis. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform And Consumer Protection Act (Public Law 111-203) required the release of this information, which had been secret. A lot has been written about this, but here are some of the links I have found particularly interesting. (Thanks to Gary and ResourceShelf for many of these tips!).
- FRB: Regulatory Reform: Transaction Data, Federal Reserve Board (The data.)
- Federal Reserve releases detailed information about transactions conducted to stabilize markets during the recent financial crisis, Sabrina I. Pacifici, BeSpacific. (Sabrina’s summary of what the Fed has put online.)
- Inured to “Trillions”, By Ryan Chittum, Columbia Journalism Review. (CJR has some of the most interesting coverage, summarizing the facts and the analysis coming from journalists.)
- Audit Notes: The Federal Reserve’s Trillion-Dollar Bailout Document Dump, By Ryan Chittum, Columbia Journalism Review. (With links to more news coverage and evaluations of the data.)
- Audit Notes: Too Big to Fail Edition, By Ryan Chittum, Columbia Journalism Review. (CJR does more analysis of the analyses.)
- A Real Jaw Dropper at the Federal Reserve, by Sen. Bernie Sanders, Huffington Post. (Sanders, who wrote the amendment to the Dodd-Frank Bill that required the disclosure, gives his first take on the data.)
- Interactive: Which Banks Got Emergency Loans from the Fed During the Financial Meltdown?, By Karen Weise and Dan Nguyen, ProPublica. (ProPublica’s interactive mashup of the data.)
- Fed Emergency Lending , Wall Street Journal (The WSJ’s mashup of the data.)
- Decoding the Fed’s Emergency Programs, Wall Street Journal. (The WSJ explains some of the details.)
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