A new survey says that less than half of American adults who use the Internet at least once a week want the federal government to dive deeper into digital service delivery.
- Survey: Most Americans Just Not That Into Uncle Sam’s Digital Services, By Hallie Golden, NextGov (April 28, 2015).
The survey, by Forrester Research, also notes that most respondents preferred using postal mail or a phone to interact with agencies and that Facebook, mobile apps and Twitter were less popular. Respondents also evoked privacy concerns with only 35 percent trusting government agencies to keep their personal information private. Respondents also did not find federal websites user friendly: less than half said that they tend to get what they came for when visiting agency websites.
Some of this may be due to unfamiliarity. The report says: “Our data shows that many people don’t want new digital channels because they don’t understand the advantages.” But 40 percent of respondents said they are overwhelmed by the plethora of agency websites and a majority said they are in favor of the government creating a single Web portal that would allow a user to log in to all federal accounts in one place.
See also:
E-Gov: are we citizens or customers?
Information is not a Service, Service is not Information
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