Are you pointing to documents at Those links appear to be broken. (which points to has had a generic “Site under maintenance” page since at least December 2014.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) program’s website will cease independent operations and consolidate its content with the Naval Postgraduate School’s Homeland Security Digital Library ( and Documents are being posted at their new sites and will continue to be posted over the next few months, according to a FEMA official, who added, “The user requirements for membership to are very similar to LLIS, but users will have to register for access to restricted content, as users had to do with HSDL does have a large amount of public data as well, which users will be able to access without registering.
- Consolidation Information
One of the advantages of this move is that content, such as lessons learned, innovative practices, after-action reports, plans, templates, guides, and other materials, will be consolidated with an already substantial database on This will allow the homeland security and emergency management communities to find relevant information in one place. FEMA’s LLIS program will continue to produce trend analyses, case studies on the use of FEMA preparedness grants, webinars, and other documents relevant to emergency managers. These products will be available either on this site or - Lessons Learned Information Sharing Consolidation Question and Answer (Q&A) [PDF]. Q&A document for the 2015 consolidation effort.
- Documents moved to FEMA:
- Documents moved to Homeland Security Digital Library: For publicly available documents, visit and use the search bar. For restricted content, login before searching.
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