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Commerce Dept. Expands Data Access

The Commerce Department has announced a redesigned section of its website to better integrate its catalog of its more than 40,000 publicly available data sets into Commerce.gov via Data.Commerce.Gov.

The announcement says:

Data.Commerce.Gov is still a work-in-progress and there are many additional improvements that are still on the horizon. For example, the new layout has the data organized in the organizational structure of the Department of Commerce (e.g. Census Bureau, Patent & Trademark Office, etc.) and not necessarily how data customers want to interact with the data (e.g. Housing assistance, climate change resiliency, etc.).

Additionally, savvy data consumers will notice that the individual Bureau catalogs do not roll up perfectly to the catalogs on Data.gov. Given the size of our full data catalog, the entire Department of Commerce is working hard to increase this public inventory.

Finally, we expect to continue to improve the mobile experience on this section of the website in the near future. Bucking previous tradition of how massive technology deployments were done in the past, the Department of Commerce is launching this improved data portal as part of a developing tradition of rapid, technology iterations.

Departments listed at Data.commerce.gov include:

Bureau of Industry and Security
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Census Bureau
Economic Development Administration
Economics and Statistics Administration
International Trade Administration
Minority Business Development Agency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
National Technical Information Service
U.S Patent and Trademark Office

See also: GPO: Designer of Government Websites.

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