At the beginning of each year, I (Daniel) compile yearly statistics for the pages of the State Agency Databases Project at Here are a few highlights from 2014.
State Pages
We had five states top 10,000 visits a year, led by Missouri with 22,069 visits.
1. Missouri (Annie Moots) 22069
2. Florida (Wilhelmina Randtke) 17558
3. California (Joel Rane) 14012
4. Ohio (Kirstin Krumsee) 12364
5. Alaska (Daniel Cornwall) 10583
Virginia had the fewest visits at 1638, but even this state page was visited an average of 4.5 times a day in 2014.
Subject Pages
Here are all eight of our subject collection pages, ranked by number of visits received in 2014:
1. Prisoner Locater Tools 10373
2. Health Practitioner Databases A-M 7802
3. Historical Media databases 2441
4. Biographical databases 2251
5. Historical Newspaper and Magazine Indexes 2124
6. Health Practitioner Databases N-Z 1893
7. Official records databases 1711
8. Museum Collection databases 986
If you’d like to establish a new subject collection on the State Agency Databases project or would like to build a subject collection on your own site using project links, let me know.
If you are interested in full project statistics from 2011 forward visit:
If you have questions or comments about these statistics, please leave a comment here or e-mail me.
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