I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to go to this year’s Best Practices Exchange conference — one of the best conferences for government information librarians, archivists and digital preservationists to share ideas and brainstorm about what works and what doesn’t! — so was glad that Kevin Driedger of the Preservation Imperative podcast posted his recent interview with interview with Jody DeRidder, head of digital services at University of Alabama and one of the keynote speakers to this year’s BPE — where she talked about “Mapping the digital preservation wilderness” (PDF of slides).
Jody’s interview echoed much of what we here at FGI have been talking and writing about for years. To wit, that selection (by librarians with field expertise!), collection development, and local library control of digital content are extremely important to digital preservation efforts going forward. She also noted that these preservation efforts will need to be done collaboratively — or “crowd-sourced” — because of the sheer amount that needs to be preserved.
Please take a listen to Jody’s interview. It’s well worth it!
Jody DeRidder: the human side of digital preservation
Jody DeRidder, Associate Professor and Head of Digital Services at the University of Alabama is my inaugural guest on Preservation Imperative. As I mention in the interview, she wasn’t on my radar as a potential guest for this show until I saw her presentation at the most recent Best Practices Exchange. Her presentation was titled Mapping the Digital Preservation Wilderness.
via Preservation Imperative: Jody DeRidder: the human side of digital preservation.
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