The message that US libraries are increasingly seen as government information/service centers is spreading through the regular media. At least that’s the impression that I get from this Florida Times-Union column:
Libraries are expected to be our e-government service By DONNA PAZ KAUFMAN
I like the way the column ends after explaining the lack of financial support for the nation’s libraries:
As engaged citizens and civic leaders, it is time to acknowledge that the trend continues to point to technology for efficiencies in government and convenience for citizens – and this makes good sense. Yet when government services, educational institutions, medical programs and disaster programs rely on public libraries for support, the libraries need to be prepared to respond.
Librarians are trained to provide assistance. It’s what they do. But until public libraries are recognized for the greater role they’ve been fulfilling since the advent of information technology, the wait in line or on the phone will be that much longer.
More anecdotal evidence that even when information and services are online, brick and mortar places increase their usefulness.
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