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GISIG – IMLS Webinar June 11: The IMLS [35,000] Museum Big Data File

FYI for those interested in Archives, preservation, reference, libraries and museums management, databases, Big Data, Digital Humanities, education funding,  job opportunities, Primary Source curricula, repatriation, and totally neato stuff in general.

IMLS Press Release

IMLS Museum Universe Data File Webinar: June 11

Learn more about how the data file was created and how you can use it

Washington, D.C.—On May 19, IMLS announced a new estimate of 35,144 active museums in the United States [view by discipline] and published a new museum data file that is available for use, reuse, and distribution. The Museum Universe Data File will be actively maintained, updated, and released publicly twice a year. For more information see the news announcement.

IMLS will present a webinar about the Museum Universe Data File for interested stakeholders including museum staff, membership organizations, researchers, policymakers, and members of the media and public. IMLS Statistician Justin Grimes will discuss how the file was created and answer questions about it.

This webinar is free and no pre-registration is required. To participate, simply go to this Blackboard Collaborative Meeting Room at the time of the webinar, enter your information, and join the conversation. You may listen using your computer’s speakers or dial 1-866-299-7945. When prompted, enter the passcode 9485763#.

Title: 35,000 Museums: About the IMLS Estimate and Data File

Date: Wednesday, June 11

Time: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. EDT

Webinar Presenter: IMLS Statistician Justin Grimes

Topics to be covered include:

  • Why was the file created?
  • How did IMLS decide what institutions to include and what institutions to leave out of this list?
  • The list identifies a “museum type” for most entries; how was the museum type identified?
  • How was this list created?
  • What kind of information is in the file?
  • How can the information be used?
  • What are the caveats for using the data?

Questions about the data file? Contact research@imls.gov.

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