Here at FGI, we’re really interested in open source — also called FLOSS for Free/Libre Open Source Software. Open source aligns positively with the philosophy underscoring librarianship in general and documents librarianship specifically — that is, free and open access to and widespread distribution of information, use and reuse of information, and the leveraging of community resources for the betterment of the community as a whole. For more on open source in libraries, read Dan Chudnov’s instructive article, “Open Source Library Systems: Getting Started” (which originally appeared in Library Journal on August 1, 2999) on oss4lib (don’t be confused by their look, oss4lib is using Drupal content management system and the same template theme as FGI!).
On the lighter side of things and in the spirit of the season, check out the open source gift guide from Make Magazine. The guide lists lots of cool techie gifts for those geeks on your list — for those keeping score, I’d love a year of ubuntu support, some open source beer, and USB AA rechargeable batteries!)
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