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Comment Submission to GPO and Depository Library Council

On November 26, 2006, the volunteers at Free Government Information passed along all comments received on our DLC Digital Distribution page to the people named below. For a PDF copy of our responses and your comments, please see the file attached to this page.

Dear Mr. James, Ms. Russell, Mr. Davis, Mr. Wash and members of the Depository Library Council:

As you are well aware, the Depository Library Council held a session on Digital Distribution in Washington DC on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 as part of the Fall 2006 Depository Library Council meeting.

In hopes of broadening the discussion on digital distribution beyond the confines of in-person Council meetings, I and the other volunteers at Free Government Information posted responses to the Digital Distribution discussion questions presented at Council on the FGI website (http://freegovinfo.info) and invited others to add their own comments.

We are attaching to this email a copy of our comments and the responses from other librarians. We do not pretend to represent the whole depository community, just a few voices from people unable to travel to Council.

We appreciate the fact that you are addressing this issue and reaching out to the depository community for their comments and ideas. Because this issue is so important and because so many depository librarians cannot attend Council meetings, we suggest that you reach out to the community even more and take input from a broader section of the community before major decisions are made. Some of the actions you might take include:

  • Using your OPAL meeting room to hold a set of “virtual town meetings” on the topic of digital distribution.
  • Survey either the entire FDLP or the subset of libraries indicating willingness to take digital items on issues related to digital distribution.
  • Send GPO/DLC reps to State library association meetings to given presentations on FDSys and take suggestions on Digital Distribution.

Thank you for taking time to receive more input on an issue that will shape citizen access to federal government information for years to come.

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