Update 10/18/2006, the archived session and the Q&A has been posted to the GCN web site.
Tomorrow, Wednesday October 18, 2006, Government Computer News is hosting:
Online forum | Bruce James and Mike Wash
Join us on October 18, 2006 1:00 PM through October 18, 2006 2:00 PM
Guest: Bruce James, Government Printing Office chief executive officer and public printer
Guest: Mike Wash, Government Printing Office chief technical officer
Bruce James, Government Printing Office CEO and U.S. public printer; GCN’s 2006 civilian executive of the year
Government Printing Office chief executive officer and public printer Bruce James and chief technical officer Mike Wash will answer questions about how they moved the agency into the digital age. James, the GCN 2006 Civilian Executive of the Year, and Walsh will be available online on Oct. 18 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET.
Looks interesting, please join if you can.
I’d like to point out that people can submit questions ahead of time to Mr. James and Mr. Wash and I strongly encourage you to do so. You can submit questions at http://www.gcn.com/forum/qna_forum/42282-3.html. You will need to give your name and State OR your City and State. You can give your e-mail address if you want the host and/or guest to contact you directly. The Q&A will be archived, so even if you can’t attend the online forum, submitting a question would be a constructive act.
I’d suggest that any questions follow these guidelines:
– Be brief.
– Ask a question rather than being a statement phrased as a question.
– Be on a topic under GPO’s control.
– If you refer to a document, try to include the URL. That will help people accessing the Q&A later and show Mr. James and Mr. Wash that you are familiar with GPO documentation. That will make it harder for them to simply refer to material you may have already read.
– Be polite. I believe that we should take this opportunity to ask questions about GPO’s current and future practices, not to imply that one political party or the other has destroyed gov’t information as we know it.
One of the reasons that I hope there will be many intelligent and articulate questions from the documents community is that Government Computer News is read by many government IT types in federal, state and local government. If they see document users and specialists in constructive dialog asking questions that might not have occurred to them, it can only help us all.
Good luck and good questioning to us all!
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