The Monthly Labor Review, which has been published since 1915, initiated a new design this summer and in an article in the July issue, editors explain the new design and offer a little history and time line of the publication.
- The Monthly Labor Review gets a new look, Monthly Labor Review (July 2013).
There are two particularly notable changes to new articles. First, they will be published in HTML as well as PDF, making them more accessible on different devices and more interactive (links, interactive graphics, and charts with underlying data). Second, articles in the MLR will be published as they become ready throughout the month rather than all together at one time.
Two other important changes: MLR has discontinued the “Current Labor Statistics” section and the “Labor Month in Review.”
The web site has also been redesigned to allow better access to past issues (from the January 1981 issue forward). Users will be able to browse by author, date, department (including book reviews), and subject. The “archive” now includes material from the now-shuttered Compensation and Working Conditions Online (CWC Online) publication.
The editors also say that “MLR is moving away from publishing visual essays. BLS now has a format better suited to the visual presentation of materials; look for visual essays in Spotlight on Statistics. We encourage readers to peruse this publication for data analysis in a more visually oriented presentation.”
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