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State Agency Databases Activity Report: September 17, 2011

The past few weeks have been a busy time at the State Agency Databases Across the Fifty States project at

Part of what has kept us busy was the first official quarterly “link check” of our pages. This is a new initiative designed to keep project pages fresh.
Thanks to the many volunteers who spent the last week checking and fixing page links and posting the date of link checking to their page.


A big thank you to Carlos A. Diaz for adopting Mississippi. He fixed all the broken links and added a number of new resources.

Now the official list of unadopted orphans stands at just two Rhode Island and Texas. I still think it would be a public service for someone to adopt Gov. Rick Perry’s home and expand the list of Texas databases in order to provide a broader view of the Texas record. I’d do it if I didn’t have Arizona in addition to Alaska.

If you’re a librarian in either Texas or Rhode Island, I’d really appreciate it if you would forward this message to appropriate listservs in your state.

If you’re interested in either Texas or Rhode Island, check out our volunteer guide at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/SADATFS_Volunteer_Guide and then send me an e-mail if you’d like to adopt one of the above states. If you adopt a state, be prepared to put your name and contact information on the main project page AND your state page within two weeks of receiving your wiki login. See the Volunteer Guide for more details.


Not sure if this was mentioned in a previous report, but Liz Paulus has taken over the Oregon page.


See our last seven days of activity at http://tinyurl.com/statedbs for a blow by blow description of changes to the page. Here are a few highlights:



Publicly Traded Disclosure Search – This search allows you to search for all publicly traded corporations that have filed a Corporate Disclosure
Statement with the Secretary of State, search the full text of information contained in a specific
statement, and view abstracts of reported information. Searchable by corporation name, the names of officers, or an auditor name; there is also an advanced search.

INDIANA (Kimberly Brown-Harden)

Oral Arguments Online – Oral arguments are webcast live and are available in Windows Media format. The link to view a live webcast will be available
two minutes prior to the start time of an argument, and no sooner, unless the courtroom proceedings are delayed. The link to the archived video and the audio
podcast (if available) will be accessible two hours after the start time of the hearing. Can search the arguments by keyword, title, case number, summary, etc. Also able to browse by year,court, month, and county.


Market Development Company Search – This database is part of the Make Mine Mississippi marketing campaign so people can get in touch with Mississippi companies.



North Carolina Builders & Architects: A Biographical Dictionary – This biographical dictionary highlights architects and builders who have produced North
Carolina’s architecture for more than 300 years. Clicking on “show more options” opens up Gender, Race, Trade, Styles & Forms, Building Types, and “Flourished Dates.”

Records includes locations where the builders and architects did projects.

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