This week the State Agency Databases Across the Fifty States project welcomed three new volunteers who have publicly claimed their pages:
District of Columbia – Adopted by Shirl Kennedy
Indiana – Adopted by Kimberly Brown-Harden
Hawaii – Adopted by Gwen Sinclair
With the changes above, the current list of orphan states in need of adoption is:
Rhode Island
If you’re interested in one of the above states, check out our volunteer guide at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/SADATFS_Volunteer_Guide and then send me an e-mail if you’d like to adopt one of the above states. If you adopt a state, be prepared to put your name and contact information on the main project page AND your state page within two weeks of receiving your wiki login. See the Volunteer guide for more details.
See our last seven days of activity at http://tinyurl.com/statedbs for a blow by blow description of changes to the page. Here are a few highlights:
Food Facility Inspections Online – Search for and view inspection reports for facilities that serve or sell food to the public. Site says, “The majority of the permitted food service establishments in Washington, DC receive two routine unannounced food safety inspections per year.” Database contains reports for the last three years. Reports are in PDF format.
Shirl added seven other databases to the DC page. Check them out!
NORTH CAROLINA (Jennifer Davison)
NC Open Book : Transparency in NC State Government NC OpenBook is designed to show you where North Carolina’s money goes. Allows searches for awardees of grants and contracts.
Jennifer also appears to have added and reorganized other material on the North Carolina page. If you haven’t visited recently, it would be worth it to go back.
ALASKA (Daniel Cornwall)
Alaska Consultant List – From the website “The Alaska Consultant List is intended to be a shortcut to finding Mining Engineers and Geologists that are properly licensed to perform consulting service business in the state of Alaska. The list provides names of persons by service who have requested to be listed. Pull down the list by service and click on the selected name to show contact information. The list is intended to be a service to the public; the Office of Economic Development makes no representation as to the competency of the persons or businesses.”
This resource is still live on the web, but we realized it did not fit the criteria for a searchable database. Since it is a useful resource, we moved it to our Not Database/Not State page at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/Not_Databases.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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