Hello From DC.
Here are some catchup posts from the past couple of weeks that I was unable to get to when the stories were first posted.
I’ve also tossed in a few items not directly from a government source but that still might be of interest and/or use.
The items were culled from our INFOdocket.com site where we post news and new resources on a variety of topics. Almost all of them are from the past week.
1. New Interactive Map: “World Debt Comparison: The Global Debt Clock”
Data from EIU
2. World Data Population Sheet 2011
From the World Population Bureau
3. “EPA Publishes Rule to Improve Reporting of Chemical Information”
5. USA.gov Directory of Mobile Apps Has Two New Additions
6. NOAA — Deepwater Horizon: A Preliminary Bibliography of Published Research and Expert Commentary
7. From the AP: “Mystery Surrounds Loss of Records, Art on 9/11?
8. New: “University of Oregon Website Holds Archive of Historic Newspapers”
11. New Report: “#SocialCongress: Perceptions and Use of Social Media on Capitol Hill”
12. California History: Online Archive of California (OAC) and Calisphere Add Local History Resources
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