Since last week, project volunteers have been busy at the State Agency Databases Across the Fifty States project on the GODORT wiki:
Volunteer Rich Gause updated many links on one of the most comprehensive project pages.
Volunteer Bill Sowers updated a number of legislative database links.
Volunteer Kathryn Thomas updated links on the North Dakota page and added a number of new databases, including:
Company Profiles – A database of “new wealth creators” like manufacturers, food processors and various information technology businesses. New wealth creators are businesses that bring new money into the state by selling a significant portion of their products outside the state. Search by city, company name, NAICS, or product.
Search Available Property – Cities and Counties with currently available properties for sale or lease.
Volunteer Nathan Verilla updated page links and added two databases:
Burned Jurisdiction Database – This database contains a growing collection of records originally recorded in courts or jurisdictions that subsequently suffered record losses. These records are from higher or appeal courts, most of which do not presently exist. Among the jurisdictions included in this database are the General Court, the [Supreme] Court of Appeals, the High Court of Chancery, the various Superior Courts of Chancery, and the various District Courts. These records were found while processing chancery causes and other locality materials. The database contains records from collections housed and processed at the Library of Virginia as well as those processed in localities.
Virginia Military Dead Database – The primary purpose of the Virginia Military Dead Database is to honor those Virginians that have given their lives in defense of freedom. It pulls together information from a wide variety of sources and makes that information more accessible. For more information consult the Introduction to the Virginia Military Dead Database and the Source Guides.
Volunteer Marilyn Von Seggern updated links on the Washington page and added new resources including the Environmental Information Management system.
In addition to the activity above, project coordinator Daniel Cornwall undertook the following actions:
– Established a draft guide for volunteers
– Created a volunteers mail discussion list as part of an effort to bolster communication and community among project volunteers.
– Did some fixes to the Wyoming page as a result of user e-mail
– Continued to contact project volunteers who had not updated their pages since January 1, 2011.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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