Digital Literacy, National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
The site has links to resources including “educator tools,” job skills, success stories, and a central space where practitioners can share ideas and interact through discussion forums.
The Digital Literacy portal is an initiative of the Obama Administration to serve as a valuable resource to practitioners who are delivering digital literacy training and services in their communities. As more and more jobs and educational offerings are available online, the ability to navigate the Internet is critical to participate more fully in the economy. Jumpstarted by a federal interagency working group dedicated to spurring the advancement of digital literacy across all age groups and stages of learning, the Digital Literacy portal organizes content conveniently, enables valuable discussion and collaboration among users and elevates best practices to improve the quality of digital literacy offerings. We invite users to share their content and their ideas to make the portal more robust and to fulfill its role as a destination for practitioners devoted to enhancing digital opportunity for all Americans.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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