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Public comments on Ithaka S+R FDLP Modeling draft documents
Starting today and continuing for the next few days, we will be posting comments here on the first three documents from the Ithaka S+R FDLP Modeling Project.
Ithaka S+R is now moving forward to the analysis phase of the contract. We thank Ithaka S+R for their work so far and hope that our readers will make the time to read through the drafts and also give their comments to the Ithaka S+R team.
The three Ithaka S+R documents are largely descriptive rather than evaluative and will inform the recommendations from Ithaka S+R, which will come later. In our comments on these documents we will draw some conclusions and attempt to find meaning in the overview that Ithaka S+R has provided. Our comments will be informed by our daily work in both the physical and digital realms of government information.
We will address questions such as:
For those that are interested (or masochistic :-)), attached and linked here is a PDF of our notes in stream of consciousness on the current drafts. We used Pirate Pad to collaboratively take notes and discuss issues. We’ve sent these to the Ithaka S+R project team — but don’t say we didn’t warn you ;-).
Tags: fdlp, FDLP models, fdlp_mp_comments, future of federal depository library program, Ithaka