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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

August 2010 Lost Docs Report and Appeal

A special appeal to lostdocs reporters: please try to send us your report receipts the same day you receive them from GPO. While all reports are appreciated, sending reports as you receive them makes for a smoother workflow that better reflects when lostdocs/document discovery reports are received by GPO.

If you use Microsoft Outlook for e-mail, you can set up a rule to send your lostdocs reports to lostdocs@freegovinfo.info automatically. Check out these two YouTube videos to see how to create rules in Outlook:


August 2010 was a deceptively light month. We only posted nine lostdocs reports. I say “deceptively light” because we received only a handful of reports until late August, when we received approximately 50 reports in two days. These reports were made from late June through late August. What couldn’t be posted for August is being posted for September. Don’t let this backlog stop you from sending us your current reports.

I’m excited to report that of the nine reports we were able to post last month, four were quickly cataloged by GPO. You can view this list by visiting lostdocs.freegovinfo.info/category/found/ and looking at the postings with August 2010 dates. We are appreciative of these new records and note that the cataloged documents were all oil spill related. GPO is matching effort to newsworthiness and we commend them for it.

No false positives were found in our small sample.


If you like the concept of a public listing of fugitive documents reported to GPO, there are a number of easy ways to help us:

  1. If you report a fugitive document to GPO, send your e-mailed receipt to lostdocs@freegovinfo.info. We welcome any item reported to GPO in the past month. It is best if you can send us the receipt the same day you get it from GPO. Some e-mail programs will support auto-forwarding. If so, please consider autoforwarding items where the subject contains “lostdocs submission.”
  2. Visit the blog at lostdocs.freegovinfo.info and comment on the listed items. Comments can include — Did your library receive the item? Did you find it in the CGP? Do you think the item is out of scope for the CGP? Did you report the item as well and so on.
  3. Post the blog link to your website or share it on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media.
  4. Subscribe to the blog feed at lostdocs.freegovinfo.info/feed/
    or better yet incorporate the feed into your website or blog.

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