As I was tardily working on the May 2010 Lost Docs Report and Appeal, I noticed a few of pre-spill Minerals Management Service (MMS) documents dealing with the Gulf of Mexico reported to GPO that have not yet been cataloged. I’m posting links here in hopes that people may find them useful in the “Before and After” comparisons that will eventually be made.
Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitats and Benthic Ecology Study. July 2009
Post-Hurricane Assessment of Sensitive Habitats of the Flower Garden Banks Vicinity. July 2009
Foraminiferal Communities of Bathyal Hydrocarbon Seeps, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Lest anyone get the idea I’m accusing GPO of hiding MMS documents, I want to acknowledge that GPO has cataloged most of the MMS items reported to it that we are aware of. See for titles received by the Lost Docs Blog.
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