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Statistical Atlas of the 9th US Census (1870) now online in lots of places

The folks over at radicalcartography.net have just made available the Statistical Atlas of the 9th US Census (1870) as a bulk download. It’s great that this amazing government publication is finding interest by the public — and that the radical cartographers are doing lots of cool projects like Census Demographics.

However, it should be noted that it’s been available online for a while from both the Library of Congress and the Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research (FRASER). And of course it’s also available in paper from Federal Depository Libraries across the US. I’d recommend that all you radical cartographers, cartographer wanna be’s, history buffs, data geeks etc get thee to your local Federal Depository Library to see what the Federal govt has published over the last 200+ years and also check out what your libraries are digitizing and putting online. You’ll be glad you did.

Presented here are all of the maps and charts from the first statistical atlas of the US Census, widely praised in its time and still a wonderful example of sophisticated graphics, the out-of-date racial/psychological nomenclature notwithstanding. The atlas is available page-by-page from the Library of Congress, but you can download it in bulk here.

[Thanks BoingBoing!]

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