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Holiday gift idea: a piece of the public domain

Carl Malamud’s FedFlix project is a joint venture with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) whereby he takes NTIS videos, digitizes them and uploads them to the Internet Archive.

Well now he’s expanding FedFlix to include public domain videos from the National Archives. He’s released 41 videos into the public domain in this way, but has put together an Amazon Wish List in order to expand public access to public domain video content from the National Archives. If you see anything you’d like to buy the public domain, they’ll take your DVD and upload the video to YouTube, the Internet Archive, and to public.resource.org‘s own rsync/ftp public domain stock footage library. So why not add a gift of the public domain to your favorite person’s/people’s stockings this year? We’ll all be glad we did!

UPDATE 12/25/09: The wish list has been fulfilled. You can watch all of the donated NARA videos on YouTube, Internet Archive, or public.resource.org’s bulk server. Thanks Carl!

[HT BoingBoing!]

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