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Lunchtime listen: age of the informavore

The Edge Foundation promotes “inquiry into and discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and literary issues, as well as to work for the intellectual and social achievement of society.” Here’s a video of Frank Schirrmacher, German journalist, essayist and author and co-publisher of the national German newspaper [w:Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] (FAZ). In the video below, Schirrmacher riffs on the notion of the “informavore,” an organism that devours information like food. After posting Schirrmacher’s thoughts, Brockman invited other bright folks to respond, including George Dyson, Steven Pinker, John Perry Barlow, Doug Rushkoff, and Nick Bilton. Enjoy!

THE AGE OF THE INFORMAVORE: A Talk With Frank Schirrmacher

FRANK SCHIRRMACHER is a an influential German journalist, essayist, best-selling author, and since 1994 co-publisher of the leading national German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), where he is Editor of the Feuilleton, cultural and science pages of the paper. He is the author of the Das Methusalem-Komplott (The Methusaleh Conspiracy), a book, published in 14 languages selling more than one million copies in Germany, on that country’s aging society; and Payback: Warum wir im Informationszeitalter gezwungen sind zu tun, was wir nicht tun wollen, und wie wir die Kontrolle über unser Denken zurückgewinnen (Payback: Why in the Information Age we are forced to do what we do not want to do and how we can recover control over our thinking, November, Karl Blessing Verlag).

[Thanks BoingBoing!]

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