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2008 Notable Government Documents in Library Journal

Yesterday Library Journal published its annual list of notable government documents, “Looking Back, Moving On: 2008 Best Notable Government Documents” written by Jim Church and his team of selectors and judges on the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) Notable Documents Panel. Every year since 1983, the panel has pulled together and highlighted state/local, federal and international government documents in order to “promote awareness and acquisition of government publications by libraries and use by library patrons.”

This year’s list highlighted such publications as Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports as well as free statistical databases from the United Nations (UNdata), the European Union (Eurostat) and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOStat). Plus there was a special shout out to Carl Malamud and his Yes We Scan! campaign for Public Printer of the Government Printing Office. Check out this year’s list of notable documents. You’ll be amazed at the depth and breadth of publications by the various levels of governments. And by all means, if you have a favorite government document that you’d like to highlight, the Panel is always interested in nominations!

(Full disclosure: I’m the chair this year of GODORT’s Publications Committee, which oversees the work of the Notable Documents Panel.)

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