Pew has the results of a new survey on the Future of the Internet. This is their third. See the story Internet Evolution: The Future of the Internet III (12/14/2008) with summaries, or the
complete report: The Future of the Internet III, Janna Quitney Anderson, Elon University and Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Internet & American Life Project, December 14, 2008. (PDF, 138pp).
And then visit the Imagining the Internet site:
The Elon University/Pew Internet Project site Imagining the Internet: A History and Forecast is a multi-section resource containing thousands of pages. It exposes future possibilities while simultaneously providing a peek back at the past. In it, you will find the words of thousands of people from every corner of the world, from today and from yesterday, making thousands of predictive pronouncements about the future of humankind.
Experts can be notoriously inaccurate at predicting the future, but it is fascinating to read what people like Howard Rheingold, Susan Crawford, danah boyd, Seth Finkelstein, David Brin, and many more are thinking about.
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