In case you missed this report when it was released last month (as an MS Word document), you might want to check it out now (in PDF):
- Moving Toward A 21st Century Right-To-Know Agenda Recommendations To President-Elect Obama And Congress, By the Right to Know Community, as distributed by the Obama-Biden Transition Project.
Many library organizations and individual librarians signed on to this document, which mentions FDLP specifically and recommends that “The president should direct agencies to insure that their government information products are included in the FDLP and thus public access assured.”
It also notes that “Currently, private companies enter into non-competed agreements with agencies – often Memoranda of Understanding that are not public – and create subscription/charge-based access to public records that they have digitized at ‘no cost’ to the government.” It recommends that “The next administration should create incentives to convert government documents to no-fee, electronic, publicly available documents.”
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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