Kudos to John for counting down the days to “Government Information Liberation!”
In support of this great concept, I will try to focus our “Guide of the Week” series on subjects related to the Presidential transition until the week of January 20th, 2009. I’ll highlight guides related to subjects from the GAO transition page and the Agenda page at change.gov once it returns.
This week tho, I’d like to highlight two guides from the ALA GODORT Handout Exchange Wiki concerning Presidents and their documents:
- POTUS: Presidents of the United States (Bob Summers, University of Michigan, Internet Public Library, 2008)
- Presidential Papers (University of California, Berkeley, 2006)
The POTUS guide is focused on information about individual Presidents – their biography, their margin of electoral victory, etc. A useful feature of this guide for the transition is the list of Cabinet members. Looking at the Cabinet members for the Clinton and Carter years might provide hints on who President Obama might pick or provide background on nominees who served during these years.
Berkeley’s Presidential papers guide is a pathfinder to published materials published by Presidents. It includes sections on:
- About Presidential Papers
- Biographical Information
- Guides
- Elections
- Vetoes
- Executive Orders & Proclamations
- Official Papers and Speeches
- Personal papers and correspondence
- Declassified Documents
- Selected Internet Resources
There is a lot in both guides and I encourage you to look at them. And if you’re a librarian with a guide to some other aspect of government information, please add it to the Handout Exchange.
I’d love to see more librarians highlighting their resource guides over the next few months. Between the transition and the major issues facing our country, this may be a great teachable moment to demonstrate the value of government information and the experts who deal with it on a daily basis.
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