I’d like to survey you, our loyal FGI readers. I’m co-presenting with Molly Bragg at next week’s Depository Library Council conference about digital collections using archive-it (see title and abstract below). I’ve got an outline but I’d really like to know what questions YOU have about archive-it and digital collections. What do YOU want to know about archive-it? So, please please please leave a comment here so that my presentation will be even more amazing 🙂
Title of Presentation:
Gone Today, Here Tomorrow: Archiving and Preserving Born Digital Government Documents
Stanford University Library has been a federal depository library since 1895. In 2007, the library began collecting born digital documents using Archive-It, the web archiving service from Internet Archive (www.archive-it.org). In this presentation James Jacobs will discuss his group’s objectives and procedures for selecting and archiving digital content and share examples of the unique content preserved. Molly Bragg will present an overview of web archiving projects and tools used and developed by Internet Archive. These tools are used by libraries around the world to preserve government documents and other born digital content.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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