I’m begging your indulgence for a post that’s not really within the scope of Free Government Information, but should be of interest to the many pro and amateur policy wonks out there.
I got to thinking that no matter who wins in November, the next President will face some major challenges. But many of these challenges require knowledge and ways of thought that haven’t seemed to be common to our political leaders.
So, being a good librarian, I created a reading/viewing list for the next President. I used OCLC Open WorldCat to build my list and you can find it at http://www.worldcat.org/profiles/dcornwall/lists/188566.
I tried to keep the list short because I know the next President may well be too busy to read much other than reports from his staff and hopefully some outside sources once in a while.
Here are my choices:
Rosenberg, M. B. (2001). The basics of nonviolent communication an introductory training in nonviolent communication. Sherman, TX: Center for Nonviolent Communication.
York, S., & Sheen, M. (2001). Bringing down a dictator. [Washington, D.C.]: York Zimmerman.
Flynn, S. E. (2007). The edge of disaster: rebuilding a resilient nation. New York: Random House.
Theoharis, A. G. (2004). The FBI & American democracy: a brief critical history. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
York, S., & Kingsley, B. (2000). A force more powerful. [Princeton, NJ]: Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
Muller, R. (2007). Physics for future Presidents, supreme court justices, congressmen, CEOs, diplomats, professors, and other world leaders. Southbank, Victoria: Thomson.
Beck, A. T. (1999). Prisoners of hate: the cognitive basis of anger, hostility, and violence. New York: HarperCollins.
Prothero, S. R. (2007). Religious literacy: what every American needs to know–and doesn’t. [San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco.
You can read the reasons for my choices on my list.
I think all these items could be consumed and digested between the election and Inauguration Day.
What do *You* think the next President read or watch? Make up your own WorldCat list and post the link to the list here. Tell your friends to make up their own lists. If enough people take up this call, maybe I’ll search for ways to get the lists to the attention of our next chief executive.
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