Government Information librarians have acquired a lot of expertise. We’ve written a lot of guides and pathfinders to government information.
The Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) of ALA has been collecting these handouts for years so we docs librarians wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel every time we needed to create a handout or give someone a starting point for research. Recently, this GODORT “Handout Exchange” has been wikified at
The Handout Exchange is divided into four areas:
- Guides & Handouts for Depository Management
- Subject-oriented Guides and Tutorials
- Source- and Geography-oriented Guides and Tutorials
- Product-oriented Guides and Tutorials
Because the Handout Exchange links to many resources that could help many people outside the depository community, FGI is proud to start a new “Guide of the Week” column to highlight these librarian generated resources.
Our first highlight is from the subject guide page:
Afro-Americans and the Military, 1939-45 (Denise Schoene, Univ. of Michigan, 1997) Last updated 8/6/2004
This guide provides a number of resources to the history of African Americans during this period including:
- Books like The Port Chicago Mutiny. Warner, NY, 1989.
- Journal articles like “Report on the Negro Soldier”. Infantry Journal, #59, Dec., 1946 (UD1 .I43)
- Electronic resources like Desegregation of the Armed Services at
These resources would be helpful for reports on military history, assignments for Black History Month or creating any number of library displays.
So check out the full guide. Then see what other topics are available.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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