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NTIA says we are “reaping the rewards” of government’s broadband policy

We have recently seen reports on the sorry state of broadband network access in the United States (New Broadband Report and Two More Stories About Broadband). Now, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has released an official view of the state of broadband in the U.S in which it emphasizes the fact that things aren’t as bad as they used to be and calls that progress. It says that "America’s consumers are now reaping the rewards of the Administration’s pro-investment, deregulatory policies…"

The report says that "broadband availability and subscribership have increased dramatically" but ignores the fact that the U.S. has fallen from fourth to 15th in the world in broadband penetration. This is pure politics, it ignores reality, and does nothing to help us move forward.

The report says, "…the Administration has implemented a comprehensive and integrated package of technology, regulatory, and fiscal policies designed to lower barriers and create an environment in which broadband innovation and competition can flourish. The results have been striking." "Strikingly bad" is how most of the recent independent reports would describe the results.

More here.

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