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Book scanning projects

Two recent items that look more closely at book scanning projects:

"So, why would a librarian choose to go with the OCA over the other partners currently available? Two words: open access. If the goal is to support open access principles and to get scanned copies of out of copyright books indexed in as many search engines as possible, then OCA is the right choice. With minimum requirements such as attribution and maximum requirements of no re-hosting, OCA leaves the greatest number of opportunities for users to discover and re-use the text that they find, making it ideal for those interested in data mining."

Lorcan Dempsey notes of the Google paper, "The paper outlines presentation options based on copyright status and also discusses how Google supports the document understanding community through the release of software and data sets. I was interested that there was no discussion of social features."


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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