The Morris library in the McLafferty Annex library at Southern Illinois University Carbondale celebrated 75 years as a Federal Depository Library this past week. The Southern Illinoisan newspaper celebrated this occaision with an article titled Morris Library Recognized for Participation in Federal Program. The article featured a photo of documents librarian Jian Anna Xiong.
What I liked was that Ms. Xiong was able to get the paper to mention a number of highlights of the collection:
There are correspondences from Abraham Lincoln, volumes from the U.S. Bureau of Entomology and CIA reports on the Cuban Missile Crisis. According to library officials, much of the history of the federal government from 1789 to present day is available for viewing.
Government Information Librarian Jian Anna Xiong said the depository offers information on almost every imaginable aspect of the federal government.
"There are 400,000 documents on paper and about 900,000 on microfiche," she said. "It’s almost every area of American history: political science, race issues, slavery, taxes, health."
Happy Anniversary! And good work in getting your local media to notice the anniversary and to talk about your collection!
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