How is the web and Web 2.0 changing politics and political discourse? Hear from lots of folks in this collection of interviews:
Interviews with Bloggers, , Politicos, and Netizens on Politics 2.0, Mother Jones June 20, 2007.
And a dissenting opinion:
Mother Jones invites you to question if the Politics 2.0 revolution really lives up to its hype. And PressThink asks whether the printing press progressives at Mother Jones have any kind of grip.
Interviews at the Mother Jones site with:
Morra Aarons Contributing editor of, David All (GOP Tech Consultant), Jerome Armstrong (, Floyd Brown Citizens United), John Byrne (Editor and founder of, Michael Cornfield (Democracy Online Project), Howard Dean (DNC Chair), Colin Delany (, Phil de Vellis (Creator of the “Hillary 1984” video, former strategist for Blue State Digital), Esther Dyson (Original Digerati), Bob Garfield (Advertising Age, On the Media), Julie Barko Germany (Institute For Politics, Democracy & The Internet), Jane Hamsher (Blogger,, Henry Jenkins (M.I.T. Professor), Nicholas Lemann (Columbia Journalism School Dean) , Lawrence Lessig (Culture-Sharing Guru), Peter Leyden (New Politics Institute Director), Nicco Mele (Echoditto President), Grover Norquist (Americans For Tax Reform President), Eli Pariser (Director of MoveOn), Chris Rabb (, Andrew Rasiej (, Glenn Reynolds (, Kevin Rose (Digg founder), Micah Sifry (Personal Democracy Forum Cofounder), Ben Smith (, Joe Trippi, Dean 2004 Campaign Manager, Michael Turk (Bush 2004 E-Campaign Director), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia Founder), Bill Wasik (Creator of Flash Mobs), David Weinberger (Dean 2004 Internet Advise).
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