John Wonderlich, the program director for the Sunlight Foundation, has written an Op-Ed in The Hill about making House committee information more available:
- More access to committees, by John Wonderlich, The Hill, May 22, 2007.
Wonderlich highlights reforms that the House can take including: requiring committees to post transcripts of their open meetings online within 14 days, requiring committees to post substantially verbatim transcripts of their proceedings online, making use of RSS feeds to provide updates on committee events, publishing documents in XML, and suggesting that committees stream and archive video content.
This is one of a series of Op-Eds written by contributors to the OpenHouse Project‘s recent report on congressional information. The complete report is available as a pdf document: Congressional Information & the Internet (The OpenHouse Project, May 8, 2007). The earlier Op-Eds are:
- Give bloggers Capitol access, by Robert B. Bluey, April 30, 2007.
- No light in basement, [campaign finance documents] by Tim La Pira, May 08, 2007.
- Inexplicable anomaly [CRS Reports], by Leslie Harris and Matt Stoller, May 15, 2007.
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