This week’s State Agency Databases Project subject highlight is Laws, Legislative Materials, and Legal Issues, featuring 48 states that project volunteers know to have publicly searchable databases in this subject area. Three examples from this compilation are:
Alaska Case Law Service – This database provides opinions and some supporting documentation for cases decided by Alaska’s appellate courts since 1960. It is searchable by keyword, citation, decision date, party name, judge and opinion type and by docket number or counsel. This service is operated by Westlaw on behalf of the Alaska Court System.
Legislative Histories, 1865 to current – Do you want to see if the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau has compiled a legislative history on a law you’re interested in? Search by bill type, number, year or keyword.
Eye on Lobbying – From the website, “Using the search options on the menu to the left, you may search for: 1) All lobbying principals, licensed lobbyists, and state agency officials or liaisons; 2) “Principal Interests By Keyword” allows you to search by keyword for the business interests and areas of lobbying interest submitted by lobbying principals; 3) “Changes To Lobbying Registry” allows you to search for recent changes to authorized lobbyists, lobbying principals, and licensed lobbyists.”
For more, see If you know of state agency produced databases in this area, either comment here or use the “Email me” link on the guide to report a database, which will be forwarded to the appropriate project volunteer.
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