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State of the union 2016: tag cloud and non-.gov sites

President Obama’s last State of the Union (SOTU) address was tonight. Below you can see the tag cloud of his speech (thanks TagCrowd!) as well as Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC)’s GOP response.

There’s plenty of analysis out there, so I won’t deign to add my own. But I will point out a couple of things that I found interesting: the SOTU site was nicely built, with easy navigation for each of the sections the President Obama covered in his speech (economy, climate, foreign policy, health care, social progress) and lots of information and statistics that could be easily shareable on social media; I also found it interesting that the full text of the SOTU speech wasn’t posted on witehouse.gov but on Medium, the video was posted to YouTube and I worry about the long-term preservation and access to arguably the most important speech that every president makes during his or her term.

Here’s the video in case you missed the address (start at 5:36:38 with the Justice Ginsburg hug(!))

President Obama’s SOTU Address:

created at TagCrowd.com

Governor Nikki Haley’s GOP response:

created at TagCrowd.com

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