GPO will beging making bill status information available in bulk through FDsys starting in early 2016. For sample files and user guide see
At the direction of the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, in support of the Legislative Branch Bulk Data Task Force, the Government Publishing (GPO), the Library of Congress (LOC), the Clerk of the House, and the Secretary of the Senate are planning to make Bill Statuses in XML format available through the GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) Bulk Data repository starting with the 113th Congress. At launch in early 2016, the FDsys Bulk Data repository for Bill Status information will be available at
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Update: Daniel Schuman analyzes the announcement:
If all goes as planned, this milestone has great significance.
– It marks the publication of essential legislative information in a format that supports unlimited public reuse, analysis, and republication. It will be possible to see much of a bill’s life cycle.
– It illustrates the positive relationship that has grown between Congress and the public on access to legislative information, where there is growing open dialog and conversation about how to best meet our collective needs.
– It is an example of how different components within the legislative branch are engaging with one another on a range of data-related issues, sometimes for the first time ever, under the aegis of the Bulk Data Task Force.
– It means the Library of Congress and GPO will no longer be tied to the antiquated THOMAS website and can focus on more rapid technological advancement.
– It shows how a diverse community of outside organizations and interests came together and built a community to work with Congress for the common good.
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