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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

State Agency Databases Project Activity Report 12/14/2014

With the quarterly link check underway, we’ve seen significant changes to the following pages at the State Agency Databases Project athttp://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases over the past two weeks.  (links are to revisions page, click on “page” tab to see regular page):

You can always view ALL changes made in the past seven days by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs.

As a reminder, all of the links and text in the State Agency Databases Project is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. We strongly encourage the use of our links and annotations in projects of your own.

State Agency Databases Activity Report 6/8/2014

It was a somewhat active week for the volunteers at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases as we started up our June link-checking activity.



Today’s featured database is from Jenn Zuccaro, who maintains the Hawaii page:

Hawaii State Archives Digital Collections – archives1.dags.hawaii.gov/gsdl/cgi-bin/library – Search digital collections of Hawaii State Archives, including Chinese, Japanese & Portuguese Passenger Manifests, Hawaiian Genealogy Book Index, Vital Statistics and others.



See the full story of the last two weeks changes by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs14d. Below are some highlights of the changes.



Alaska (Daniel Cornwall)

Arizona (Lindsay O’Neill)

Missouri (Annie Moots)



ALASKA (Daniel Cornwall)

Septic Tracking System – This database offers two search types: – Installer/Facility Name/Legal Description/File Number r Township/Range/Section (Only Unsubdivided Parcels). Records include links to PDFs of original installation documents. Department assumes no liability for accuracy of information.



ARIZONA (Lindsay O’Neill)

General licensure page – For all professions. Formerly at http://az.gov/app/license/index.xhtml


In addition to the changes above, we also fixed a few links on the State Blue Books page. State Blue books have many uses, including providing material for K-12 students assigned to write a state report.

State Agency Databases Activity Report 4/20/2014

It was a slow week for the volunteers at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.


While not in scope for our project, we wanted to note the presence of a States section at data.gov. This page links to state produced data sets, apps, state data policies and current programming challenges. It is far from comprehensive but still interesting to look through. You can find a link to this section on our main project page after the listing of state pages.


Today’s featured database is from Annie Moots, who maintains the Missouri page:

Consumer Confidence Reports

This database contains yearly reports of community public water systems in each county of Missouri. Information in the reports includes assessment of the water source, contaminants and their ranges found in the water, violations of drinking water regulations, and much more. The database is searchable by county then by water system. It is maintained by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Public Drinking Water Branch.


This week the only significant change was that Mark Rozmarynowski updated a few links on the Wisconsin page.

#nlw14 FDLP Edition Day 5: Middendorf-Kredell Branch Library

Today our Federal Depository Library themed celebration of National Library Week focuses on the 2007 winner of the Government Printing Office’s Library of the Year Award. Here’s the citation from the award page:

Middendorf-Kredell Branch Library Named 2007 Federal Depository Library of the Year

  • Middendorf-Kredell Branch Library Named 2007 Federal Depository Library of the Year.

Middendorf-Kredell Branch Library, in O’Fallon, Missouri, has been named the 2007 Federal Depository Library of the Year. Each year, the U.S. Government Printing Office selects one Federal depository library for its outstanding service to the American public and the promotion of Federal Government information. Public Printer Robert C. Tapella presented the award to Deputy Director Betty Murr at the Fall DLC Meeting and Conference held in Arlington, VA.

“It is an honor to present the library with this award. The Middendorf-Kredell Library has demonstrated great leadership in the ever changing digital age by creating an online forum twelve years ago for the public to access Government information,” said Public Printer Robert C. Tapella.

A selective Federal depository library since 1990, Middendorf-Kredell Branch Library is part of the St. Charles City-County Library District. Their creativity and innovation has led to the development of various programs that readily and easily bring Federal information to a very broad base of the local community.

“A well-informed electorate is indispensable to the American form of government. You and your staff have established a standard of excellence that will not soon be eclipsed, and in doing so, you have also strengthened the very foundations of the freedoms that we now enjoy. Congratulations on your fine work!”, said Congressman W. Todd Akin.

Middendorf-Kredell was among the first Federal depository libraries to establish an online Web site to enhance their ability to reach the public. This includes their creation of “Uncle Sam for Kids”, which was the first of its kind in the country to help kids obtain Federal information for school assignments. Their Community & Market Analysis program has been successful in providing a free, customized analysis for any address for businesses interested in relocation or expanding in the area. Additionally, Anne Sylvan, information resource manager for documents at the Middendorf-Kredell Branch, developed a protocol to directly batch-upload government documents, instead of sending them out to a third party to be catalogued. Last year, the library uploaded 18,500 electronic government records. Library patrons can search the records by author, title, subject or keywords.

“We’re certainly not the largest depository, so I like to think that our recognition is tied to our strength of getting library services out to the broader community,” said St. Charles City-County Library District Director Carl R. Sandstedt. “We have tried for years to “knock” the walls out of our buildings and push services throughout the area. We are simply much more proactive in the delivery of services than most public libraries.”

Do you have a story about Middendorf-Kredell? Tell us about it in comments!

State Agency Databases Activity Report 4/13/2014

It was a typical week for the volunteers at the State Agency Databases Project at http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/State_Agency_Databases.



Today’s featured database is from Marilyn Von Seggern, who maintains the Washington page:

Washington State Fiscal Information    http://www.fiscal.wa.gov/ – A state law passed in 2008 required creation of a website that would make state revenue and expenditure data as open, transparent, and publicly accessible as is feasible with the goal of making government more accountable. The database provides access to expenditures, revenues, workloads, caseloads, performance measures, and performance audits as well as current and historical budget data and accounting data (some sections searchable by parameter and some provide reports).  The Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (LEAP) Committee and the Office of Financial Management are jointly responsible for the site.

Examples of financial information available from the database are state agency budget requests, statewide expenditure histories, and state revenues by source up to the most recent month.



See the full story of the last week’s changes by visiting http://tinyurl.com/statedbs. Below are some highlights of the week.



MISSOURI (Annie Moots)

Rest Areas and Welcome Centers – Clickable map of 14 rest areas on seven different interstate highways in Missouri. Seven of these are also welcome centers. Some have dual areas across the interstate from each other. Information for each area includes location, who maintains it, the closest town, amenities, number of parking spaces, hours, and distance to the next rest area.


NEW JERSEY (Stephanie Bartz)

New Jersey Courts Search Page – “This is a full-text archive of the Opinions of the New Jersey Courts, including the Supreme Court, from March, 1994 to date, the Superior Court Appellate Division and the Tax Court from September, 1995 to date. Please note that in 2005, the New Jersey Administrative Office of Courts changed its publication policy and began to release all Appellate Division decisions for inclusion in this database. Before that date, decisions marked “Unpublished” were not released, and are available only from the court directly.” Hosted by the Rutgers Law Library – Newark.


Historical Media Databases

Missouri – Missouri Digital Heritage – Contains historical collections about MO from the State Archives, the State Historical Society, and other institutions across the state. Search by keyword or browse collections.




ALABAMA (Paula Webb)

Search for a degree program – Allows users to search for a degree program at any Alabama institution of higher education. A general keyword search which can be limited by degree level. Former URL – http://www.ache.state.al.us/PISearch/default.htm


WISCONSIN (Mark Rozmarynowski)

Utility Information Listing – maintained by the Public Service Commission. Search by utility name, PSC id number, industry (electricity, water, etc.) or service (holding company, local exchange carrier, etc.). Results list utility status, reporting class and address. Data may be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. Former URL – http://psc.wi.gov/apps/utility/content/findunf.aspx

