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Tag Archives: 140 days

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Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

Won’t Get Fooled Again: Day 30

As I was searching for some other information, I noticed that documents available from GPO are not “stamped” as authentic. Take at the blue eagle in the upper left corner on the stimulus bill. Come to think of it, this would be another version of the law (see Day 29.)

See you on Day 31.

Won’t Get Fooled Again: Day 29

Just about at the first full month of the Obama regime. Interesting how there is still no official version of the economic stimulus bill available yet. The best we can do, it seems, is the text in the Congressional Record of the conference report.

Looks like we are going to need to do better if this administration promises to follow-up with other blockbuster proposals. Don’t get me wrong, I understand fully that the publishing of the public laws is really a joint effort between the legislative and executive branches, with GPO and NARA holding the first chairs of responsibility. And I also understand that prior to the Senate vote they were still going off hand written changes to the conference report.

I’m just saying….

See you Day 30..

Won’t Get Fooled Again: Day 28

I got to say — even one steeped in the cynicism of Illinois politics gets fatigued. Revelations about Roland Burris’ selective memory of when and who he talked to about fund raising for our favorite ex-Governor continues to plumb new depths of political depravity. When will the this long state-wide nightmare be over?

On another front — a couple of political science professors have put together an excellent report on Illinois corruption — find it here.
What’s more, the Illinois Attorney General is recommending legislative changes in the state’s Freedom of Information of Information laws — all because of you know who — check it out here.

And, I am pulling together a list of state libraries that are under threat of being shut down or service curtailed because of state budget crunches. If you know what is happening in your state — drop me a line and I will report the results in a near future segment of “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

See you on Day 29.

Won’t Get Fooled Again: Day 27

Interesting articles in this month’s Atlantic Monthly that talk about how the economic collapse represents a time for creation and reallocation in a knowledge economy. More to the point, the interview reveals some provocative thoughts about the distributive nature of the web and eternal attraction of living in dense places. Another term, Creative destruction, as it is called by some of the economists from the University of Chicago, is another way of looking at this evolutionary relationship between the social and economic forces of a community and the institutions they create to foster their individual and mutual purposes. I guess, in a very real sense, the combination of the Obama’s election and our deepening economic failure suggests we are in for some serious dislocation. The articles also have some visuals that relate how the recent economic activity over the last few years is “reshaping America.”

Evidence of this already appearing on various listservs as librarians from state governments on the verge of bankruptcy (in an economic sense because they can’t balance their budgets; or in a political sense because the constitutional officers can’t agree on how balance the budget) and the various state libraries are on the target list for serious staff reductions and/or closures.

As our earlier discussion about “raw power” indicated — information distribution relies just on the reach of distribution grid, but more significantly on the value added by a series of institutional players and knowledgeable individuals.

See you on Day 28.

Won’t Get Fooled Again: Day 26

Interesting article yesterday in NYT — much of the success mentioned emphasized the relationship and literacy points raised in earlier posts.

See you on Day 27.
