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Our mission

Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research.

It’s a Cens-ation that’s sweeping the nation!

Citizens across the country have received the Census questionnaire this week.


Remember, the Census ensures that your community gets the federal funding it needs. Funding for things like education, transportation, hospitals, and more!

Your information is kept completely confidential for 72 years. Then it becomes available for the public–which means eventually your great-great-grandkids can research where you were in 2010.

So fill it out…send it in…because we can’t move forward until you send it back!


Party like it’s 2009!

Ever wonder why Prince (or “the artist formerly known as”) was so hyped up about 1999. Everyone has a theory…Y2K bug, end of the world…NAY, I say…NAY! He was excited because it meant that he was that much closer to the 2000 Census.

Yes, much like Big Foot or the beloved Nessie, the Census emerges only every decade to come and count the people in the U.S. And guess what time it is now, boys and girls! That’s right, the mighty Census is rearing its head again, hungry for your information. But don’t worry–it’s confidential. In fact, your personal information on that Census form can’t even be divulged to the big man himself. That’s right, Santa Claus. Oh, and President Obama can’t get it, either. Nope, your information is safe from public (or private, devious) consumption for almost a century…by that time, you’ll most likely be dead or living somewhere else.

So feed the hungry Census in March! And party like it’s 2009…because it’s CENSUS TIME! Yes, that was also the original title to the M.C. Hammer hit, but that’s a story for another time…


Because government information needs to be free…free as the wind blows.

Chance to Change USA.gov

Hello ladies and gents,

USA.gov, our favorite government portal, is now offering you the chance to make it even better! That’s right, Uncle Sam wants YOU to go to http://dialog.usa.gov/ and talk about how USA.gov could be better.

It is only open until January 8th, so waste no time!

This is your chance, ladies and gentlemen. We can rebuild it! We have the technology. We can make it better than it was before. Better, stronger, faster.

Okay, maybe that’s the Six Million Dollar Man…but it applies here, too.


Because government information needs to be free…and organic.

Open Government Directive

Tuesday (December 8th), the White House released the Open Government Directive. For more information, view the announcement here:

You can also read more about it by reading the White House memorandum: Transparency and Open Government. Or you can check out the cool timeline on the Sunlight Foundation blog.

Yay for transparency…because government information needs to be free!


Let the countdown begin!

Thank you, James, for the warm welcome!

I thought I’d kick off my guest blogging with a fun countdown. No, we are not counting down to the New Year, though I’m sure we are all ready for a fabulous 2010! This countdown is much more important.

In 119 days, people all over the country will send off their census forms. That’s right, folks, it is census time. Everyone should receive their forms in the mail by March 2010. It’s 10 questions that will only take you 10 minutes to fill out–and then you don’t have to do it ever again. Okay, you will have to do it again, but not for another 10 years! So make it count!

It’s free, easy, and confidential. And it decides how many representatives your state gets, as well as how much funding the federal government gives to your community. Besides, if you don’t do it, they’ll just track you down and knock on your door until you answer the questions or go insane…believe me, they will.

For more information on the 2010 Census, visit http://2010.census.gov.

Remember: government information needs to be free–help out by turning in your completed census form as soon as you get it.

